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How to build the canvas app

header image

Although we give you the zipped files of the canvas app in our solution, you can also follow these instructions if you want to rebuild it. It will also make it easier to understand how everything works if you want to contribute to ProvisionGenie.


Basic UI concepts

This app is designed to be a personal app in Microsoft Teams and we aimed to adopt the Teams look & feel by following the guidance available in the Microsoft Teams UI Toolkit. This means, that we will not explain all basic UI components in this document but refer to the Toolkit.


Set variables onStart for the colors you use the most- for example:

Set(color_blurple,ColorValue("#6264A7")) and Set(color_bg,ColorValue("#F5F5F5"))

This way, you can refer to these values - or change them, if needed, more easily.

  • Create a _selectedScreen variable as a record containing
  • row (number)
  • title (text)
  • image (image) and create a NavigationMenu collection in onStart, wrap both in Concurrent():
            Row: 1,
                       Title: "Welcome",
            Image: ic_fluent_home_48_regular
            Row: 2,
            Title: "Teams",
            Image: ic_fluent_people_32_regular
            Row: 3,
            Title: "Members & Owners",
            Image: AddFriend
            Row: 4,
            Title: "Channels",
            Image: ic_fluent_text_bullet_list_square_24_regular
            Row: 5,
            Title: "Libraries",
            Image: ic_fluent_document_48_regular
            Row: 6,
            Title: "Lists",
            Image: ic_fluent_clipboard_bullet_list_ltr_20_regular
            Row: 7,
            Title: "Checkout",
            Image: ic_fluent_checkbox_checked_24_regular

(To make this work replace the name of the images with the images you uploaded 💡)

  • Create a gallery with

  • Button

  • Rectangle
  • Text label
  • Image

  • Set Items of the gallery to NavigationMenu

  • Set TemplateFill to If(ThisItem.Row = _selectedScreen.Row, RGBA(220, 220, 220, 1), RGBA(0,0,0,0))
  • Set OnSelect to
Set(_selectedScreen, ThisItem);
    ThisItem.Row = 1, Navigate('Welcome Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 2, Navigate('Teams Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 3, Navigate('Members Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 4, Navigate('Channel Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 5, Navigate('Libraries Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 6, Navigate('Lists Screen', None),
    ThisItem.Row = 7, Navigate('Checkout Screen', None)
  • Set Text of the Button to ""
  • Set Fill, HoverFill, and DisabledFill to Transparent
  • Make sure that the Button sits above everything else in the Gallery
  • Set Visible of the rectangle to ThisItem.Row = _selectedScreen.Row
  • Set Text of the TextLabel to ThisItem.Title
  • Set Image of the Image to ThisItem.Image

Keep in mind to always Set(_selectedScreen,{Title: "your screenname", Row: <rownumber>})in addition to Navigate(your screenname) if you want to let the user navigate to another screen not using the navigation gallery.


The SidePanel consists of 2 tabs, Details and Resources and we use

  • 2 Textlabels for the tab names
  • 2 Rectangles as an underline for the tab names
  • at least 2 HTMLText controls to display content depending on the tab

This is how it works:

  • Set HTMLText of HTML text control to
<div style='margin: 0 0 0 20px; font-size: 11pt !important; font-weight: lighter; color: #252525; padding: 0 10px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden;'>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
        Step 1 <br><br>
    <div style=""clear: both""></div>

    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
      Step 2<br><br>
    <div style=""clear: both""></div>

    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
       Step 3<br><br>
    <div style=""clear: both""></div>

    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
       Step 4<br><br>
        <div style=""clear: both""></div>

    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
        Step 5<br>
      <div style=""clear: both""></div>

    <div style=""float: left; width: 20px; text-align: right; margin: 0 20px 0 0; font-weight: bold;"" >*</div>
    <div style=""float: left; width: 75%; "">
       Step 6<br>
  • Repeat with different text in the second HTML text control
  • Set OnSelect of the Details Textlabel to UpdateContext({IsShowResourcesTab: false})
  • Set OnSelect of the Resources Textlabel to UpdateContext({IsShowResourcesTab:true})
  • Set Visible of the Resources HTMLText to IsShowResourcesTab
  • Set Visible of the Resources Rectangle to IsShowResourcesTab
  • Set Visible of the Details HTMLText to !IsShowResourcesTab
  • Set Visible of the Details Rectangle to !IsShowResourcesTab
  • Set FontWeight of Details textlabel to If(!IsShowResourcesTab,FontWeight.Bold, FontWeight.Lighter)
  • Set FontWeight of Resources textlabel to If(IsShowResourcesTab,FontWeight.Bold, FontWeight.Lighter)

This way, the content of Resources gets visible once the Details content is non-visible and vice versa. Also, user switches between the content by selecting the respecting text labels. Font-weight will switch from lighter to bold and Rectangle (that serves as an underline) will be visible once user selects a Textlabel

In the app, we make use of various PopUps, either to educate users about how to work in Microsoft Teams, or to explain something that users can request (like 'Welcome Package') or to indicate a success. Most PopUps contain 3 different pages, which means that we need 3 times different content for them as well

Popups contain the following controls:

  • Textlabel that serves as a Title for this PopUp
  • TextLabel that serves as the main content for this PopUp
  • Rectangle that serves as a Dimmer
  • Button that serves as background for the PopUp
  • Circles that serves as Stepper Dots so users can select them to navigate back and forth of the pages
  • Cancel icon to close the PopUp
  • HTMLtext to create a shadow around the PopUp
  • 2 Buttons for next/back
  • Image
  • Rectangle to prettify the PopUp

Rectangle as Dimmer

Purpose here is do create a lightbox effect and to dim everything but the PopUp itself. Following the Teams UI Toolkit:

  • Set Fill to RGBA(37, 36, 35, 0.75)
  • Set size to the entire screen

Button that serves as background

As Rectangles in Power Apps don't support rounded corners (Border radius) we will use a Button instead.

  • Set Width to 600
  • Set Height to 480
  • Set Color to White
  • Set Hover color to White
  • Set Pressed color to White
  • Set Border radius to 3

Circles that serves as Stepper Dots

  • Create 3 circles
  • Set their Width to 8
  • Set their Height to 8
  • Align them horizontally
  • Set OnSelect of Circle1 to UpdateContext({isPage:1})
  • Set OnSelect of Circle2 to UpdateContext({isPage:2})
  • Set OnSelect of Circle3 to UpdateContext({isPage:3})
  • Set Fill of Circle1 to If(isPage=1,color_blurple,color_bg)
  • Set Fill of Circle2 to If(isPage=2,color_blurple,color_bg)
  • Set Fill of Circle3 to If(isPage=3,color_blurple,color_bg)

This way, the circle is color_blurple on the correct page.

Cancel icon to close the PopUp

  • Place your Cancel icon at the upper right hand corner of the button
  • Set OnSelect to UpdateContext({isShowPopUp: false})

HTMLtext to create a shadow around the PopUp

To have a nice shadow around the PopUp

  • Create an HTMLtext control
  • Set its HTMLtext to "<div style='margin:10px;width:600px;height:480px;background-color:#;box-shadow:0 3px 6px 1px #252525; border-radius:3px'></div>"
  • Rearrange controls so that the shadow is underneath the button

Next button

  • Create a button
  • Set colors as stated in Teams UI Toolkit if you like this to be design consistent to Teams, otherwise choose your own colors (preferably set them as variables)
  • Set OnSelect to
    isPage= 1,
    UpdateContext({isPage: 2}),
        isPageTrack = 2,
        UpdateContext({isPage: 3}),
        UpdateContext({isShowPopUp: false})

This way, users navigate to the next screen if they are on page 1 or 2 and close the PoPup if they are on page 3.

  • Set Text to If(isPage=1,"yourtext-->2",If(isPage=2,"yourtext-->3","Close")) This way, we display different texts depending on the page our user is currently at
  • Set Width to If(isPage=1,<value1>,If(isPage=2, <value2>,<value3>) This way, the width of the button adjusts
  • Set X to If(isPage=1,<value1>,If(isPage=2, <value2>,<value3>) to adjust horizontal position of the button.

To calculate this correctly, place the button by drag'n'drop where you want it. Now check the x-value, add the width to it. This is your target value. For the other pages, you will need to deduct the width of the button from that target value so you get the x-value of the button on that page. If you have more than 1 PopUp, it's worth to think about parameterizing this as well

Back button

  • Create a button
  • Set colors as stated in Teams UI Toolkit if you like this to be design consistent to Teams, otherwise choose your own colors (preferably set them as variables)
  • Set OnSelect to
    isPage = 1,
    UpdateContext({isPage: 3}),
        isPage = 3,
        UpdateContext({isPageConversations: 2}),

This way, users navigate to the previous screen.


  • Insert an image
  • Set Width to 600
  • Set Height to 240
  • Set Image to If(isPage=1,<image1>,If(isPage=2,<image2>,<image3>))

You will notice, that due to the Border radius of the background button, the edges of the image don't look like 90° corners. This is why we will insert a rectangle to cover this


  • Create a Rectangle
  • Set its Fill to `White**
  • Set Width to 600
  • Set Height to 17
  • Place it so it overlaps with the rounded corners

Label for the Title

Each page should have a title.

  • Create a Textlabel
  • Set its Text to If(isPage=1,<yourTitle1>,If(isPage=2,<yourTitle2>,<yourTitle3>))

Label for the main content

  • Create a Textlabel
  • Set its Text to If(isPage=1,<yourContent1>,If(isPage=2,<yourContent2>,<yourContent>))

To display this PopUp you will need to do the following steps:

  • group the controls
  • Set Visible of the group to isShowPopUp
  • trigger this PopUp - this could be another button, which OnSelect needs to be set to UpdateContext({isShowPopUp: true})


Navigation and side panel will be shown on every screen, only the HTMLtext in the SidePanel changes to contextually display details (how to use this screen) and resources (learning content about Teams). In addition to that, we need the following controls:

Welcome Screen

We built

  • 1 Welcome PopUps that is triggered by AppStart and introduces users on three pages what this app is about
  • 4 different PopUps for the learning content
  • 4 respecting Cards that serve as a more beautiful trigger for these PopUps
  • 1 Button to navigate to the Teams screen and start the provisioning process
  • Set OnSelect of this Button to
    'Teams Screen',
        Title: "Teams",
        Row: 2

Teams Screen

  • Purpose if this screen is to get information about
  • name
  • description
  • whether our owner (= signed-in user) wants a 'WelcomePackage' or not
  • whether our owner wants a SharePoint list provisioned for task management
  • whether our owner wants the Notebook of the SharePoint site, that backs the team, be pinned as a tab to the channel General

We get the information by a form which is connected to a DataVerse table Teams Requests - see also Solution Overview

A few notes:

  • We modified the styling of the DataCards of the Form to match the criteria of Teams Toolkit.
  • For the yes/no question about the SharePoint list as a task management tool, we build another PopUp to explain this. For info on why we don't provision see Architecture Decisions
  • We changed the default dropdown fields to toggles. To connect those again to your data source, a little extra work is required:

Modify the form with toggles instead of dropdown

  1. in the form, delete the dropdown control
  2. insert into the datacard a toggle
  3. set Default of the Card to If(Toggle1.Value,'Do you want the welcome package? (TeamsRequests)'.Yes,'Do you want the welcome package? (TeamsRequests)'.No)
  4. Set Update of the toggle to
    ThisItem.'Do you want the welcome package?' = 'Do you want the welcome package? (TeamsRequests)'.Yes,
    ThisItem.'Do you want the welcome package?' =  'Do you want the welcome package? (TeamsRequests)'.No,

This way, we match the toggle value with our Dataverse column.

The Next button's OnSelect is set to

    'Channel Screen',
        Title: "Members",
        Row: 3

Which navigates to the next Members & Owners screen, sets the Navigation correctly and saves the values in variables. Please note, that at this point we won't submit this form to the data source.

Members & Owners Screen

Members and Owners can be selected from users via Office 365 Users Connector.

On this screen, our user add members and additional owners to their Team. We work with

  • 1 ComboBox to get a value for members
  • a Button to add this value into a members collection
  • a Button to clear the members collection
  • a gallery to display the members collection
  • 1 ComboBox to get a value for owners
  • a Button to add this value into a owners collection
  • a Button to clear the owners collection
  • a gallery to display the owners collection

Add button members

  • Set its OnSelect to
    DataCardValue4_4.Selected.UserPrincipalName in colMembers.UPN,
        "You already added this member. Please try again with a different member.",
        DataCardValue4_4.Selected.UserPrincipalName in colOwners.UPN,
            "You already added this person as an owner. To add them as an member, first remove them from the owners",
                DisplayName: DataCardValue4_4.Selected.DisplayName,
                UPN: DataCardValue4_4.Selected.UserPrincipalName,
                FirstName: DataCardValue4_4.Selected.GivenName,
                LastName: DataCardValue4_4.Selected.Surname
        UpdateContext({locClearMemberInput: true});
        UpdateContext({locClearMemberInput: false})

Clear button members

  • Set its onSelect to
UpdateContext({locClearMemberInput: true});
UpdateContext({locClearMemberInput: false})


  • Set its Items to Office365Users.SearchUser({searchTerm:Self.SearchText,top:10})
  • Set Items to colMembers
  • Set the Text of Title Textlabel in the gallery to ThisItem.DisplayName
  • Change the default Nextarrow icon to a Cancel icon and set its OnSelect to RemoveIf(colMembers,UPN=ThisItem.UPN)

This way, our user can review the list of members and even remove some of them again.

This neat solution is described in more detail on Carmen Ysewijn's blog

Do the same for owners: Create a Combobox, add button, clear button, gallery.

Save button

  • Set its onSelect to
        DisplayName & ", "
        DisplayName & ", "
    'Channel Screen',
        Title: "Channels",
        Row: 4

Channels Screen

On this screen, our owner-to-be can create the channels they want to be provisioned in their new Team. We work here with:

  • 1 TextInput to get a value
  • a Button to add this value into a collection
  • a Button to clear the collection
  • a gallery to display the collection

Add Button

  • Set its OnSelect to
  If(txtTagToAdd.Text in colChannels.ChannelName,
        "You already added this Channel. Please try again with a different name.",

    UpdateContext({locClearTextInput: true});
    UpdateContext({locClearTextInput: false})

This way, we use the Notify function to warn our user in case they add a Channel name that already exists in collection. If the channel name does not exist already in the collection, we add it.Then we update a variable that controls the Reset property of the TextInput, so that its always empty again after we added a channel name to the collection.


Set Reset to locClearTextInput

Clear Button

In case our user wants to start all over again, we give them a button to do so.

Set OnSelect to

UpdateContext({locClearTextInput: true});
UpdateContext({locClearTextInput: false})

which empties the collection and updates the variables that controls the Reset property of TexInput again.

  • Set Items to colChannels
  • Set the Text of Title Textlabel in the gallery to ThisItem.ChannelName
  • Change the default Nextarrow icon to a Cancel icon and set its OnSelect to RemoveIf(colChannels,ChannelName=ThisItem.ChannelName)

This way, our user can review the list of channels and even remove some of them again.

The Next button

With this button we want to set a variable that concatenates the Channels to a single string with, separated by , , navigate to the next screen and set our navigation correctly. To achieve this, set OnSelect to

        ChannelName & ", "
Navigate('Libraries Screen',Cover);
        Title: "Libraries",
        Row: 4

Libraries Screen

We want to give users a way to get an additional library - and in this screen we want to get information on

  • library name
  • columns to add
  • column types for the columns to add
  • column values for choice columns

Like in the channel screen, we want users to review their inputs again

We will need for that

  • Form for the library name
  • Form for Column Names and Column Types
  • TextInput for Column Values of Choice Columns
  • Gallery to display the Column Values for Choice Columns
  • Gallery to display Column Names and Column Types
  • Add Column Button

Form for Library Name

This Form connects to SharePoint Libraries table in Dataverse, please also see Solution Overview.

Form for Column Name and Column Type

This Form connects to our List Columns table in Dataverse, please also see Solution Overview.

  • Set Items of the Column Type Dropdown to Choices('Column Type')

The TextInput

In case user wants to add a choice column, we display another TextInput control, which will then use the same approach as described in the Channels screen: User adds a value and confirms it by selecting an icon and we collect the values into a collection, then we display this collection in a gallery.

  • Create a TexInput
  • Create an icon in that TextInput
  • Set OnSelect of the icon to
    {Choice: TxtInputLibraryChoices.Text}
  • Create a gallery
  • Set Items to ColChoicesLibrary
  • Change the default NextArrow icon to a cancel icon
  • Set its OnSelect to RemoveIf(ColChoicesLibrary,Choice=ThisItem.Choice)
  • Set its Visible to isShowGalleryLibrary
  • Set OnVisible of Libraries Screen to UpdateContext({isShowGalleryLibrary: false});

Add columns Button

This button shall add the values (column name, column type and column values of choice columns) to a collection.

  • Create a button
  • Set its OnSelect to
        Name: <DataCardValueWhichHoldsTheName>.Text,
        Type: <DataCardValueWhichHoldsTheType>.Selected,
        ColumnValues: Concat(
            Choice & ", "
UpdateContext({isShowGalleryLibrary: true});
ResetForm('Form ColumnName-ColumnType')

This means, that we will add the name of the column and the type of the column by getting the values from the respecting DataCards and use Concat() again to make a single string from the column choices values. Also, we show the gallery as we set a variable isShowGalleryLibrary and reset the the ColumnName-ColumnValue form.

  • Set Displaymode of the button to
    IsBlank(<DataCardValueWhichHoldsTheName>) = true || IsBlank(DataCardValueWhichHoldsTheType>.Selected.Value),

This way, our Add button will only be selectable if column name and column value are not empty.

  • Create a gallery
  • Select the Title, Subtitle and Body layout
  • Set Items to colColumnsLibrary
  • Set Text of the Title field to ThisItem.Name - it refers to the name of the column
  • Set Text of the subtitle field to ThisItem.Type.Value - it refers to the selected value of the column type
  • Set Text of the body field to Left(ThisItem.ColumnValues, Len(ThisItem.ColumnValues)-2) - it refers to the column values for choice columns but gets rid of the last , at the end of the string using
  • Left() which returns a string with a certain amount of characters
  • Len() which returns the number of characters of a string
  • -2 because , (comma space) is 2 characters and we want to shorten the string by these to characters
  • Change the by default NextArrow icon to a Cancel icon and set its OnSelect to RemoveIf(colColumnsLibrary1,Name=ThisItem.Name) so that the user can remove this item if they want to.

Next Button

Our Next or Save library is supposed to do a few things:

  • Set a variable for the library name (remember, we did not submit the form to our data source)
  • Display a PopUp to indicate that the library was saved

To achieve this,

  • Create a button
  • Set its OnSelect to

Lists Screen

The Lists screen is following the same approach as the library screen, because we need the very same information about an additional list as for an additional library. Of course we collect the values in different collections, but all controls and the entire logic stays the same.

Checkout Screen

In the checkout screen, we want to display a PopUp in which the user may review all their responses - and return to a specific screen if they would want to correct something.

  • Create a PopUp, this time with 8 pages - this also means 8 different images, titles, contents and stepper dots
  • Set OnVisible to UpdateContext({isShowSummary: true});UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 1})
  • Set Visible of the entire PopUpGroup to isShowSummary
  • Set Text of your main content Textlabel to
    isPageSummary = 1,
    "please review your request before you submit it",
        isPageSummary = 2,
        "Teamname: " & TeamName & Char(13) & "Description: " & TeamsDescription & Char(13) & "Owner: " & User().Email & Char(13) & "Welcome Package: " & If(
            isWelcomePackage = true,
            "yes, please!",
            "no thank you"
        ) & Char(13) & "Microsoft List for task management: " & If(
            isSharePointListTasks = true,
            "yes, please",
            "no thank you"
        ) & Char(13),
            isPageSummary = 3,
            "We will add the following members for you: " & Char(13) & Left(
                Len(varMembers) - 2
            ) & Char(13) & Char(13) & "We will add the following owners for you: " & Char(13) & Left(
                Len(varOwners) - 2
                isPageSummary = 4,
                "We will create the following channels for you: " & Char(13) & Char(13) & Left(
                    Len(varChannels) - 2
                    isPageSummary = 5,
                    "We will create a library called '" & varLibrary1Name & "' for you with the following columns: " & Char(13) & Char(13) & Left(
                            Name & ", "
                                Name & ", "
                        ) - 2
                        isPageSummary = 6,
                        "We will create a list called '" & varListName & "' for you with the following columns: " & Char(13) & Char(13) & Left(
                                Name & ", "
                                    Name & ", "
                            ) - 2
                            isPageSummary = 7,
                            "If everything looks ok, hit SUBMIT! " & Char(13) & Char(13) & "If you need to correct something, close this PopUp and navigate to the respecting screen. You can then return to this summary later",
                                isPageSummary = 8,
                                "you can close the app now - See you next time when you like to create a Team"
  • Set Text of the title Textlabel to
    isPageSummary = 1,
    "Let's make your teamwork wishes come true",
        isPageSummary = 2,
        "Basic info about your Team",
            isPageSummary = 3,
            "Members & Owners",
                isPageSummary = 4,
                    isPageSummary = 5,
                    "Your Library",
                        isPageSummary = 6,
                        "Your List",
                            isPageSummary = 7,
                            "Looks good?",
                            "You made it! "

For Text, Width and X of your Next button refer to PopUps

  • Set OnSelect to
    isPageSummary = 1,
    UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 2}),
        isPageSummary = 2,
        UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 3}),
            isPageSummary = 3,
            UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 4}),
                isPageSummary = 4,
                UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 5}),
                    isPageSummary = 5,
                    UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 6}),
                        isPageSummary = 6,
                    //1. Teams - name, description, welcomepackage, SPListForTasks
                    // 2. channels
                                'Team Channels',
                                Defaults('Team Channels'),
                                {'Channel Name': ChannelName,
                                TeamsRequest: varTeam}
                    //3. libraryname
Patch('SharePoint Libraries',LookUp('SharePoint Libraries','SharePoint Library'=locLibrary.'SharePoint Library'),{TeamsRequest:varTeam});
//Patch('SharePoint Libraries',LookUp('SharePoint Libraries','SharePoint Library'=);
                    //4. columnname and column types for library
                                'List Columns',
                                Defaults('List Columns'),
                                    'Column Name': Name,
                                    'Column Type': Type.Value,
                                    'Column Values': Left(
                                        Len(ColumnValues) - 2
                                    'SharePoint Library': FormLibraryName.LastSubmit
                    //5. list name
Patch('SharePoint Lists',LookUp('SharePoint Lists','SharePoint List'=locList.'SharePoint List'),{TeamsRequest:varTeam});
                    //6. columnname and column types for list
                                'List Columns',
                                Defaults('List Columns'),
                                    'Column Name': Name,
                                    'Column Type': Type.Value,
                                    'Column Values': Left(
                                        Len(ColumnValues) - 2
                                    'SharePoint List': FormListName.LastSubmit
                    //7. nav to pageSummary 7
UpdateContext({isPageSummary: 7}),
                    //close app

A little polish: We want a checkbox to be displayed before the very last step so that our user needs to confirm that they understood that this is the point of no return.

  • Create a Checkbox on the CheckOut Screen
  • Set its Visible to If(isShowSummary=true &&isPageSummary=6,true, false) - which shows it only on the last page of the Summary PopUp
  • Set its Text to "Yes I understand that I can't change my request anymore after I selected the SUBMIT button"
  • Set DisplayMode of the Next button to If(isPageSummary=6 && Checkbox1.Value=false, Disabled, Edit) - this way, the button is only selectable, if user checked the checkbox.