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3. Deploy Azure resources

The scripted deployment will create a new resource group, by default this is named ProvisionGenie and will deploy all resources into it using the bicep files.

Deploy using the script

  • Open Azure cloud shell at

    This guide assumes the use of a PowerShell environment.

  • Change the working directory to the ProvisionGenie/Deployment/Scripts folder
    • cd ./ProvisionGenie/Deployment/Scripts
  • Execute the script ./Deploy-Solution.ps1 and supply the following parameters:

    If you want to supply a custom resource group name, AAD App Registration Name, or deploy to a different subscription you may provide those as parameters when running the script

./Deploy-Solution.ps1 -ResourceGroupName MyResourceGroup -SubscriptionId "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" -AadAppName MyCustomAadAppName

  • Location the Azure region to deploy into, e.g. westeurope
  • TenantURL - you obtained this from the SharePoint app https://<your-tenant-name-here>
  • DataverseEnvironmentId You obtained this from Dataverse as Instance URL
  • WelcomePackageUrl the URL for learning material (if you don't know that for now, you can put or any other URL into it)
  • TenantId - that is your Azure tenant id - obtain it here in Azure portal
  • The script will run and deploy the Azure resources

Validate deployment

To confirm successful deployment and familiarize yourself with the components that have been deployed you should take a look at the resources which have been created in Azure.

Azure resources

After successful deployment, head over to the Azure portal. Then complete the following steps:

  • Select the ProvisionGenie resource group
  • Check the successful deployment of the resources

Provisiongenie Resource Group

Managed Identity Permissions

  • Check in Azure AD if permissions were set correctly:
  • Open Azure Active Directory
  • Select Enterprise Applications
  • Select Managed Identities from the Application type dropdown menu
  • Select Apply

Azure AD ManagedIDentities

  • Select ProvisionGenie-ManagedIdentity
  • Select Permissions

It should look like this:

Azure AD ManagedIDentity permissions